I was nothing more than a weapon to them- both judge and executioner.

former judge magister    ㅤdominve viator HRani.ㅤ   wanted for the crimes of    ㅤtreason and desertion.ㅤ 

blade forged in dalmasca,
the blood weapon.

& guidelines.

ㅤㅤ#behind it all.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ

pronouns.he / him / his.
carrd credit.plutocarrds.

ㅤONE.ㅤ ㅤDon't treat me like a piece of meat just for ERP. Dominve is a lot more complex than him just being a pretty boy. I do not mind people being slightly more forward, but please don't come to me if you are just going to be using him as something to get you off.ㅤTWO. ㅤ ㅤI'm pretty private, I generally like to keep to myself and my small friendgroup. please keep that in mind, Big groups and massive events are not my cup of tea.ㅤTHREE. ㅤ ㅤno non-con. only exceptions are dub-con scenarios with well established partners.

ㅤfour.ㅤ ㅤNo collabs, sorry.ㅤfive.ㅤ ㅤI [as in the writer] am autistic and do generally have a hard time reading or expressing tone. you don't have to use tone indicators ooc if you don't like, but they do help! If I ask for clarification on things that may seem obvious to you, i genuinely am asking! i will never ask or mean things facetiously.ㅤsix.ㅤ ㅤbigots of any kind are unwelcome.

& dossier.

  • ㅤNAME.ㅤ                     ㅤDominve Viator fair.

  • ㅤalias. ㅤ                     ㅤDom, pup

  • ㅤrank. ㅤ                     ㅤLegatus, judge Magister [former]

  • ㅤtitle. ㅤ                     ㅤThe star of dalmasca

  • ㅤAGE.ㅤ                         ㅤ29.

  • ㅤGENDER.ㅤ                ㅤtransgender man.

  • ㅤORIENTATION.ㅤ     ㅤhomosexual.

  • ㅤjobsㅤ                         ㅤblood knight.

  • ㅤbirthplace.ㅤ        ㅤDalmasca.

  • ㅤresidence.ㅤ          ㅤno known permanent residence.

  • ㅤmbti.ㅤ                       ㅤinfp.

  • ㅤpersona.ㅤ               ㅤa war torn and sensitive man who struggles with the pleasure of the trill of battle and the guilt and mourn that comes with the loss of life.

  • ㅤvoiceclaim.ㅤ        ㅤBen Starr as Clive [ffxvi].

ㅤbiography.ㅤ ㅤDominve Hrani was born into a family of two, his father ██████ and Kyte Hrani, formerly regarded as Kyte Fair. ██████ was a soldier in the IVth Imperial army serving directly under ████ ███ ████████ as a ███████, being highly regarded for his blood magic. Kyte was a scholar in the village, well versed in the arcane and aether. Dominve growing up was scrawny but was kind and nearly shined in , with untamed bright platinum hair, nearly perfect except for the black patch that poked against his hairline. It seemed to grow with age, not unlike graying hair. His hair was long as a child, unable to stand the feeling of a haircut- overwhelmed by the sensation. With time and practice he adopted a much shorter hairstyle.Dominve’s abilities became apparent around the age of 11. He seemed to be affected by crystals themselves more directly, often getting headaches near large aetheryte crystals and other large sources of aether.By the age of 14, Dominve's life had been completely altered because of the empire. ██████ had been killed by Bozjan resistance members, the empire sending two officers to his home. His mother wept endlessly for her lost husband, one who hadn't been home in years. The empire wasn't satisfied with his father's services being cut short, the officers not just baring a message, but also determined to bring back a replacement. The officers harassed and threatened the village, boasting abought how easy it would be for them to just take someone. In a moment of bravery and stupidity, Dominve stepped forward, offering himself as a replacement. Father for son.His mother was inconsolable, losing not only her husband, but her only son.The IVth Imperial Legion is cold and grating compared to the warm that resides in the sands of dalmasca. Despite still being in the Citystate, the occupied lands felt cold and dry, void of anything that made home feel like home- the air didn't even smell the same.Life as a grunt was difficult, having to quickly learn how to be a soldier. He was not a fighter. He was simply a boy given a blade and told to fight- and so he did. He did so to keep those in his village safe- that's what he was hoping for, anyways. Dominve didn't pick up a weapon for quite some time, officers more interested in training a new soldier, molding him into someone who could take orders.Dominve could be considered something of a success story to the empire. He was a recruit with no prior knowledge, no ties to the empire outside of a distant, now dead, father. Yet he obeyed ordered easily, adapting to the military lifestyle within a matter of months. While he easily assumed his position as a soldier, he had yet to really experience what it meant. What it meant to be in the IVth legion. The first weapons his hands hold is an imperial gunblade. It's grip feels stained and heavy, learning how to wield it was more than just simply learning how to use a weapon. He was not blind to the Empire's crimes. He understood what it meant with each swing and trigger pulled.Dominve is 16 when Dominve feels the blood of another for the first time.The platoon of recruits under the watch of Noah Van Gabranth had been paired off, what was to just be sparring and drilling. Dominve had been paired with a boy who he had frequent spats with, someone who enjoyed to poke and prod at Dom just to get him to bare his teeth. He fought dirty, using the height he had over Dom to completely overpower Dom and get him to the ground where he attempted a more lethal blow. The fight or flight within Dom kicked in, and within moments, blood pooled at his palm, aether binding his own blood, forming into a small blade. He slammed the blade into the side of the boy's neck before he had a moment more to think about what he had done. The boy had stumbled back, choking before soon bleeding out.Noah van Gabranth had called off the rest of the training for the day- seemingly taking the death of a recruit rather seriously. Dominve and the boy he had killed were removed and Dom felt dizzy, before he knew it being sat down in front of the Judge Magisters. Expecting to be reprimanded, Dominve is horrified by how much he is priased, not only for his abilities- unable to keep themselves from singing the praises of his father-but for the boy he had slaughtered. He could only smile, accepting the praise as he is not only removed from his current group of peers, suddenly becoming an isolated case. Judge Gabranth seemed to take quite the interest in Dominve in his moment of duress as the man just shortly after their first true introductions offers the spot under his wing to Dom, given his circumstances, he was in no place to refuse.

ㅤabilities.ㅤ Dominve was born with incredibly dense aether, it seeping within his blood itself. His body having a similar aetheric density to pure aether crystals. As a child, he would often get headaches, sensitive to the frequencies of the crystals. Crystal resonance would often sync up with his own, most often resonating with his heartbeat- later he learned that this was the cause of his headaches.Dominve's abilities allow him to manipulate blood and form them into objects. While as a child, only simple obnjects that would just barely be held together would form,
ㅤDalmascan born and raised.ㅤ Dominve Fair is a Dalmascan born Au ra. He and his extended family hail from the plains south of the great city of Rabanastre and have lived there for generations. The village he lived in was built on a particularly large bend of one of the many large in the region. As the village grew in size, several bridges were constructed over the river expanding their home on the other side of the bend.
The region itself is special due to a flower that has only been found there. The land itself is deeply enriched with aether. Dalmascan Lillies are a beautiful blood orange and seem to emit a soft glow in its center, resembling spider lilies in structure. The flowers are used in several places around the village, becoming a staple of their culture. One of the biggest uses is in the ink that can be made from the ground pulp of the flower.The ink is used in traditional tattoos that adorn the villager’s limbs, horns, and occasionally tails. Tattoos that simply cover the skin and scales are gained after fully becoming a member of the village, while sigils and more archaic tattoos are reserved for those considered to be protectors.Dominve’s tattoos are rather specific to his situation. His arms and legs are lined with various incantations that allow him to channel aether more effectively.

& hooks.

XIV canon.

ㅤ#000ㅤㅤ coming soon.ㅤ#000ㅤㅤ coming soon.


ㅤ#000ㅤㅤ coming soon.ㅤ#000ㅤㅤ coming soon.

& connections.