the void festers inside me - like a plague. they stare because they don't see the man i used to be; they only see what i've become.

more than the man i used to be

     dominve fair        a man born in the warmth of the  dalmascan sun  and the voidsent who who became him.

             code of conduct .  


01.     introduction

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    mmh greetings humans

     howdy!         My name is Anthony! I'm a 24 year old artist with a massive over 10 year love of final fantasy xiv and the overall setting the game has. A lot of my biggest inspirations as an artist come from this game and my biggest muse, Dominve, is so incredibly important to me as a person, often representing my own personal growth as an  artist and a writer. i've been roleplaying for over a decade now and i adore writing and musing with new people, always looking to get better and just have fun.outside that I love Monster hunter and and spend my free time doing costume design of the furry variety. I love all animals but have a crippling phobia of moths. :]

02.     content warnings

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    be aware, please

if you don't like  blood   as a theme of any kind,  you should consider that blood and in turn themes of  murder  and  cannibalism  play heavy on how I write and interpret Dom as a character. They are integral to his current state and why he is the way he is.  he is a war criminal, one that now has a voidsent curled up in his chest piloting him around.  He is not a clean and pretty character, nor is he a 'good person' he is purposefully a dark and edgy character and das ok.other than the blood and gore, Dom is generally a raunchy character! nsfw moments are by at all means not required, but they can be used for storytelling purposes. going along with nsfw I do have an f-list i can hand over if you are interested in that kind of thing.

03.     interactions

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    come bark with me

I love getting interactions !!! i think it's so dang cool that people are interested in my little fruitcup here.I strictly do third-person perspective for rp and generally would consider my style longform. I'm not well suited for tell rp- but will still do in game RP, but be aware I am... slow. I like to take my time and be thorough. But I keep my pace well, once we get going I can keep up my pace and be a bit more freeform.All that being said, I much prefer discord rp or using a funny crime tool in order to get longer responses in game.Don't be afraid to send me a tell or a dm though! I certainly bite but It won't hurt that bad :]

04.     shipping

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    bad romance

     have u ever wanted to kiss a boy real bad         Shipping is something I am very accustomed too, and is something I welcome! That being said, I won't ship with everyone and just anyone.  I'm selective about who I ship with  especially when it comes to just meeting people. I would love to rp with people regularly before jumping into straight up shipping. If we like each other's characters we can go from there!I am strictly multiship- and while I do have a canon with what I would consider Dom's main ship, all other ships he has are welcome in the form of fun au's we can have with each other.

05.     miscellaneous

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    bark bark bark

I yap on twitter under @Thebloodweaponi also gpose therebut mostly yap :]

  MUN INFO         ant.    he / him.    24.

             act    i .  

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    PLACE YOUR BETS .

     dominve and dom are two different entities         While the entity that is currently occupying Dominve's body has a name, he does not remember it. because of this he will always be refered to as Dom, while the original will always be dominve.

   full name         Dominve Fair
   aliases         The star of dalmasca
   age         visually late 20s
   pronouns         he / him / his
   gender         transgender man

twin stars dance    . . .

. . .    on the path to
o b l i v i o n

   orientation         queer, generally unlabeled
   species         Voidsent hosted by a Raen Aura
   jobs         Cobra , blood knight , gunslinger
   status         "alive."
   birthplace         Dalmasca

The man  Dominve was an arrogant but extremely skilled swordsman, excelling as a centurion during his time in the ivth imperial legion. up until his death he was a man who nearly always buried himself in his work, needing to excel in order to get himself higher in the ranks so that he could prove himself to his father's legacy. however, just like his father, his hubris had gotten the best of him. a moment that could have saved his life so quickly turning to tragedy as not just his fellow soldiers lost their lives, but also breathed his last breath as a man.the voidsent  The voidsent has been around a long time- getting pulled through the void into the northern ilsabard territories before the garlean army ever stepped foot on the snow covered soil. nearly a thousand lives he has watched live and die. He no longer remembers who he was- if he was really ever anyone at all. Only flashes of the past or dreams that feel like home. He knows that he used to have his own name, but that time has long since passed. the voidsent is a wise creature, one that reacts in a primal way to aether and the smell of blood. he reeks of the void and the casualties that come along with being a voidsent.despite his nature the voidsent is much more capable of being merciful than Dominve was. the consistent fodder that the garlean landscapes provided often had him met with terrified people who had gotten lost among the snow. as a younger entity, he would take what he could get, near mauling his victims, but with age, growing used to the deep cold of the snow. in fact the voidsent has become rather empathetic to humanity; watching and devouring humans for hundreds of years now watching and learning about their customs and their ways of life. this empathy grew steadily before it had seemingly boiled over upon meeting Dominve; while the catalyst for their meeting had been rather tragic being able to step into a man's shoes had become a growing thought in the voidsent's mind.the voidsent had gained dominve's memories, them bleeding into his own scrambled ones. despite becoming the man, he couldn't be more different than him. His mannerisms were like of an animal, stalking around, so quiet you could barely hear him breath. People who knew him before the incident say he's like a different person- Dom denies all he likes, offering small smiles in order to quell their justified anxieties.


merciful,    protective,    loyal,    family first mentality,    proactive .


self-sacrificial,    loner,    battle hardened,    guard dog,    occasionally socially unaware .


liar,    mildly egotistical,    war criminal,    cannibalistic,    stubborn .

  extra character notes .  

bark bark bark

             act    ii .                      

A LOOK INSIDE .    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

     beyond just two souls .         Dominve was an arrogant man, but a cunning and kind man who was seen as a voice of reason in an unreasonable place. But Dom wasn't like the man who let him consume him- no. Dom at times was nothing more than a hungry husk with only flashes of a life that he once lived, nothing, not even a name remaining. 

I've lived too long to remember who i used to be.    . . .

. . .    but i remember everything he was.

     ALIGNMENT        neutral evil
     MBTI        istp
     LIKES        quiet atmosphere, the rain, the warmth of another body, sparring
     DISLIKES        yappers, being cold, impatience
     HOBBIES        hunting, blacksmithing

     ABILITY        blood magic
     ABILITY        regeneration
     ABILITY       teleportation
      SKILL        garlean military training

blood magic .    . . .

Dom's most iconic ability is his Blood magic. using a mix of the blood from Dominve's body as well as his own void essence he can create weapons from imbuing his blood the the essence of the void. The weapons can easily be dispelled by flicking the blade away, becoming nothing more than another blood splatter on the ground. He cannot use the blood from any other person. The ability comes from his pact like relationship with DOminve's body.

. . .    regeneration .

no longer being entirely human- or even alive- dom has the ability to regenerate parts and pieces of his body. while cuts and wounds can take up to a few hours to heal, seemingly lethal wounds like losing a limb or damage to important organs can take up to a few days for him to heal fully. keeping him down permanently requires a lot more than just a blade.

teleportation .    . . .

after his body was taken over by the voidsent, he gained the ability to do short distance teleports, being able to do small- and continious- twenty yalm jumps.

. . .    garlean military training .

A lot of what dom's fighting style becomes is directly because of his training within the ivth imperial army, serving as an apprentice under noah van gabaranth. Gabranth was crutial to the formation of what would become recognizable as Dom's style of fighting. While dom would eventually become skilled in claymores and a capable marksman, he started with his mastery of two short swords and a glaive.

             act    iii .  

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    LET'S GET PHYSICAL .

   height         six foot one
   weight         one-ninty-six
   complexion         tan, olive undertones
   build         muscular with a strong upper body
   hair color         half black half smoky taupe

   hair style         short and messy
   eye color         reflective and alien in color
   wardrobe         layered clothes and light armor
   scars         heavily scarred
   tattoos     Heavily tattooed on arms and legs
   miscellaneous         visibly transgender, lacks certain dimorphic traits associated with male aura

unique characteristics    . . .

Dominve fair is a shorter than average male aura, standing just over six fulms tall. His build is rather muscular and bulky, having a well defined torso and strong arms, he's shaped like a triangle with smaller hips but equally strong legs. His skin is cool in tone, having olive undertones. typically his skin has a bit of a neutral tan, getting slightly darker or lighter depending on the season.Dominve sports large tattoos that run the length of each of his limbs, his skin heavily tattooed to the point where his skin is blacked out with ink. arcane scripts wrap around the centers of his biceps and thighs- a traditional tattoo that originates in his home village. scars also adorn his skin, both deep and fresh and old raised ones mar his skin, leaving little skin actually smooth on his body.The patterns of his scales carry from other male aura, lacking the distinctive chin that most carry, instead having a smooth founded chin that completely lacks scales. going along with his lack of chin scales, his chest and back- save for some small scales along his spine-are also bare of scales.Dom's eyes are his most distinctive feature. one of the few visible changes Dominve's body went through after the voidsent took him over. his eyes are a striking shade a red while his sclera's have an alien blue color. the centers seem to reflect yellow not unlike a cats. next to his eyes the only thing that changed with his appearance was the addition of a black patch of hair that began to come in near his hairline, slowly spreading around his head. while the mark still spreads, it currently covers about half of his head. previously his eyes were a near jet black and his hair all the taupe color still seen in his hair.

             act    iv .                      

TALE OF TWO SHARDS .    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

     quick summary on lore        A dalmascan soldier who is killed and possessed by a powerful voidsent in the wilds of garlemald. A sensitive man who struggles with the desire to be human and the urges that come with being a voidsent. 

before consumption  Dominve fair is a dalmascan born Raen. He was raised by a mother while his father was apart of the ivth imperial army in dalmasca and served under Noah van Gabranth. His father was mostly absent from his life, save from letters and a few visits. His mother, Kite, was a skilled craftsman who sold goods to keep their family fed. Dominve was supposed to work in the village, acclimate and socialize with other boys. unfortunately for Dominve, word of his father's passing inside the empire stirred his village, and only weeks later they came seeking a replacement. Dominve willingly volunteered, his mother begging for him to stay.Life in the Garlean run dalmascan military was cut-throat in comparison to anything he had done previously. He wasn't taught how to fight, rather he had the snarky mouth of his mother and became a problem rather quickly within the ranks for disobedience. he was forced to train harder than his peers, the higher ups often making him do more for his lack of respect towards authority. Despite everything, he rose through the ranks quickly, he was extremely skilled when he wasn't moving his mouth. after three years of serving under the garlean occupied dalmascan flag he took the title tol and served as a centurion. stationed in dalmasca he spent most of his time in drills or training, very little of his time actually being deployed. When he was deployed, however, he was sent to the last place he ever really wanted to be- Garlemald.Dominve's time in garlemald was cold and miserable. he was not well acclimated to the environment, shaking and breathing hard and shallow even in extra clothing. He spent most of his time huddled around fires or sipping the hottest soup or beverage he could get his hands on.
Whenever he wasn't desperate to get and keep himself warm, Dominve was in the fields of ice that stretched for miles and miles. Routine patrols mostly. occasionally he dealt with monsters that got too close, but Dominve until this point had never killed anyone. Despite his skills with the arms, Dominve had never actually ended someone life before, his blade always stopping short, only going far enough to demonstrate he could.
Everything went wrong on a patrol that seemed like any other. He laughed and joked with the two other soldiers he was with, trying to distract himself and them from the fact they couldn't feel their fingers anymore. Dominve didn't know what happened at first, one soldier ahead of him suddenly being attacked, an unbelievably fast mass of Black fur had lunged for the man, taking him to the ground with ease. before Dominve and the other soldier could even react, the mass had lunged towards Dominve, knocking him unconscious.two sparks  Coming to, Dominve felt nothing but pain as he was laid out in the snow, his skin hot as blood seemed to cover him. He knew just by laying there, the shallowness in his breath, feeling blood leak from wounds that seared with pain. Un able to move he sat bleeding out in the snow, choked by his own blood. In front of him he can barely make out what looks like a massive wolf devouring his fellow soldiers. It notices the way that he still squirms alive, its large head turning, piercing alien-like eyes meeting his. The creature reeks of the void, near suffocating all traces of aether as if the beast was taking it directly from the air. It walks closer, maw dripping with carnage.'your aether feels familiar. like i've always known it's scent.' the beast speaks in disjointed language that fades in and out of Dominve's ears, the man freezing in place at being addressed. The voidsent comes and sits by the dying man, its head hung over his body before it speaks again. 'i've seen and killed many people since I came to this place, humanity has become a bit of an interest of mine.' before seemingly getting stuck on on memories that seem to flood it's mind. 'I tried to preserve your body, but I fear it wont be enough. I am sorry.' Dominve knew he was doomed to bleed out, the weakness in his body had set in enough for him to start to realize e was truly at his end, memories of his own flashing before his eyes. The beast must feel his distress because it speaks as soon as tears begin to form against his waterline. 'if you had a chance to live again, no matter what, would you take it?' it's words ring out clear despite barely clinging to reality.yet he manages the strength to push himself to answer. The will to live overtaking him in his final moments. "yes."becoming one  The voidsent ended Dominve's suffering with a quick snap of jaws over his neck, putting an end to the pain before he even realized there were teeth on his skin. A fresh body in the snow The voidsent had a moment of pause, aether rich blood filling his mouth and it can't help but have a momentary pang of hunger. the voidsent suppresses the feeling, the curiosity of human life over taking him. A promise would be fufilled, one way or another.The voidsent consumes the man, creating a cavern in his chest, one where the voidsent began to crawl into the open cavity, beginning a slow possession of his the voidsent's mind goes blank, like a slideshow memories flash by him, moments of the man's life as he grew and aged. From his earliest moment, the voidsent relived his life in what felt like the blink of an eye. their memories melding into one, his feelings- he felt it all.The body heals in the snow, slowly, a fresh dusting of powder resting on top of his healing body, as the carnage of the attack is covered around them. As memories meld the voidsent can't help but relish in what it felt like to be human- and how it as a familiar feeling, one that would have brought a tightness to the chest. Flashes of a life Dominve never lived seemed to linger longer in his mind as what feel like memories of his own are being pulled out from dark corners of his mind.eventually the body is healed, Dominve no longer, instead the voidsent taking control of his body. As he wakes from the snow he rolls over, coughing up blood as he struggles to get to his feet. He wasn't fully healed, but staying with the other bodies wouldn't be good when the next patrol came by. Stumbling to his feet, the aura padded through the snow to one of the other bodies, taking its armor and exchanging it with the one that was in tatters on his body. His nature as a voidsent did not leave him, however, his near uncontrollable hunger over taking him- consuming the man before he fled the scene back into the wilderness of Garlemald before eventually ending back into the barracks where Dominve lived. He was tested immediately, approached by higher ups as he showed up injured without the others. he lies about being separated and attacked and is ushered inside for treatment.the voidsent  It doesn't take long for the voidsent to adopt the nickname 'Dom'. So much of his time was spent visiting Dominve's memories, practically feeling the dead man's feelings. At times it felt like the man was still there. his new body needed rest and food- a lot of food. Getting used to human food wasn't something he expected to do. feeding on aether was still more affective, but his current situation wasn't exactly ripe with feeding opportunities. Dom became even more of a force within the army after their joining. The voidsent had seemed to master hemomancy, being able to conjure weapons made from blood. He was an aggressive and quick fighter.In his first sparring match with another soldier, what was meant to be training turned into casualty when Dom kills his opponent, overpowering the other soldier with such force that his death seemed to be a complete accident. However, people feared him after, someone who previously held so much control had become so reckless, going as far as to kill another man in an accident.Incidents began to pile up, he wasn't good at being carful. The mask of Dominve was wearing off as people began to stare and question the changes he seemed to gain unexpectedly. His hair slowly formed a dark patch in his hair and no one seemed to catch him without ruby shades over his eyes. eventually he made the decision to abandons everything. In the dead of night he make his way across the snow set on a destination less cold. a stolen map in hand, he sets out to explores the natures of being a man.

             default .  

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \    NON WoL TIMELINE .

Dominve's stanard timeline that would be considered canon makes him a non-wol. He does not have the gift of the echo nor does he know or care who hydaelyn is. Just a man with some incredibly questionable morals.

             scion's viodsent                      

WoL TIMELINE .    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

As a wol, the biggest change is that dominve defects far before he is able to make it to be a centurion and defects to eorzea. arriving in the shroud is where he is nearly killed by ixali raiders who took down his caravan. the carnage invited the voidsent who took over his body there instead of garlemald. the rest of his story involves him navigating his way around in a body he is unfamiliar with, but lets the good win over him at least for the time being- why not lust for an adventure.